The Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators has made a number of other publications available to the public and its members.
Medico-legal handbook for physicians in Canada, Seventh Edition © 2010
Interaction Between Lawyers & Physicians in Litigation (Law Sociey of AB)
Interaction Between Lawyers & Physicians in Litigation (Law Society of NB)
Interaction Between Lawyers & Physicians in Litigation (Law Society of SK)
Worker Fact Sheet - Independent Medical Examinations (IME) (WCB)
The independent medical examination (Dr. Arthur Ameis, MD, Nathan D. Zasler, MD)
The Role of Effort Testing in Independent Medical Examinations (David Gill, MRCPsych, Paul Green, PhD, Lloyd Flaro PhD and Teresa Pucci, BSc)
The Guidelines Newsletters Expert advice, practical information, and current trends on impairment evaluation - click here!
Impairment Rating in California: Analysis of the Almaraz and Guzman Decision and Impact on the Use of the AMA Guides, Fifth Edition by Christopher R. Brigham, MD and W. Frederick Uehlein, JD - click here!
AMA 6th Edition Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment
Guides Sixth Edition provides a standardized approach to determine impairment assessment using patient history, physical examination and clinical tests. Uniformity and ease of use is stressed to provide a consistent rating for conditions in each of the body systems using evidence based methodologies and, when lacking, a consensus approach.
Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 5th Ed.Combo Pak 5th Ed. AMA
The Guides Newsletter Archives November 2000-June 2004 CD-ROM contains 23 issues stemming from the very first publication of the Guides Fifth in November 2000.
Guides, Fifth Edition and Mastering the AMA Guides Fifth Combo
Order Both and Save! The Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fifth Edition is the updated standard in quality evaluations and is the approved uniform way to evaluate, measure and report impairment.
The Whiplash Encyclopedia, Second Edition
With the second edition of The Whiplash Encyclopedia, Robert Ferrari revisits the notion that whiplash is an example of illness induced by society, in general, and by physicians in particular.
Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries: Biomechanics, Diagnosis, and Management, Second Edition
Complete revision of the first edition, this book presents the most current concepts of chiropractic diagnostic workup, injury mechanisms, patient management, and prognosis of cervical and soft tissue injuries caused by automobile crashes. It is a comprehensive overview of all relevant issues facing clinicians in private practice. To order any of the above books click here!
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