Guidelines for Medical-Legal Reports: A joint statement by The Medical Society of Nova Scotia and The Nova Scotia Barristers' download a copyclick here!
Guidelines for Third-Party Examinations and ReportsThis document is a physician guideline approved by the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova download a copy click here!
Canadian-Lawyers. ca:Understand Your Legal Issue /Personal Injury: Rights to Medical Exam down load a copyclick here!
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: Third Party Reports:Reports by Treating Physicians and Independent Medical dowload a copyclick here!
Response to CPSO Request for Comment regarding Third Party Processes:Treating Physicians, Independent Medical Examiners, Medical download a copyclick here!
CPSO"Draft"Third Party Processes download a copyclick here!
FSCODocumentation:2012 FSCO Professional Services download a copyclick here!
Consultation on Revised Draft Policy : Third Party Processes: Treating Physicians, Independent Medical Examiners, Medical Experts
Release Date: 08/05/2011
Staff Reference: Stephen Frank
Third Party Processes - Consultation
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College Street, Toronto, ON M5G 2E2
The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments regarding The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario’s (CPSO) draft policy Third Party Processes - Treating Physicians, Independent Medical Examiners, Medical Experts.
The CLHIA, established in 1894, is a voluntary association with member companies which account for 99 per cent of Canada's life and health insurance business.
The life and health insurance industry is a significant economic and social contributor in Ontario. It protects about 9.8 million Ontario residents and makes $28.4 billion a year in benefit payments to Ontario residents (of which 90 per cent goes to living policyholders as annuity, disability, supplementary health or other benefits and the remaining 10 per cent goes to beneficiaries as death claims). In addition, the industry has $183.4 billion invested in Ontario’s economy. A large majority of life and health insurers that carry on business in Canada are licensed to operate in Ontario and 71 of them have their head offices in the province.
The life and health insurance industry is committed to working with physicians and healthcare providers as we collectively meet the needs of Ontario residents. Whether it is in the process of applying for insurance or the adjudication of claims, our industry strives to provide quality and timely service to download a copy of the draft policyclick here!
Psychology AssessmentProviders October 11, 2012 WorkSafeBC Provider Portal download a copyclick here!
The Court of Appeal ruled in this decision that not all four categories (Activities of Daily Living; Social Functioning; Concentration, Persistence, Pace; Adaptation | Decompensation) are required to show as a marked impairment in determining catastrophic impairment under S 2 (1.2) (g) of the SABS. This means that only one category must meet the class 4 or class 5 impairment due to mental or behavioural disorder required under this download a copy of the appealclick here!
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta:Complaint Process and Independent download a copyclick here!
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia:Competent Care &Ethical Practice - Physician OrientationGuide ..... to download a copyclick here!