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2017 CAT Clinical Skills Training

DAY ONE:  surveys the eight criteria listed in the SABS for motor vehicle accidents post June 1, 2016. It is designed for a wide range of professionals including lawyers, insurers, quality assurance personnel and assessors who conduct catastrophic determination examinations. This program will systematically review changes in all catastrophic criteria for post June 2016 motor vehicle accidents.


Overview of 2016 CAT SABS changes: Drs. Avi Orner and Arthur Ameis

Criteria 1: Spinal Cord Injuries: ASIA Methodology and SCIM Scores: Dr. David Lipson

Criteria 2: Limb Amputation: Dr. Michel Lacerte

Criteria 3: Vision Impairment: Dr. Michel Lacerte

Criteria 4: Adult TBI’s: GOSE Methodology, Radiological Considerations and Qualification Pathways:
Dr. Konstantine K. Zakzanis

Criteria 5: Pediatric TBI’s: KOSCHI Methodology, Radiological Considerations and Qualification Pathways: Dr. Peter Rumney

Criteria 6: WPI Analysis - AMA Guides 4th Edition Methodology Review: Drs. Arthur Ameis; Harold Becker; Michel Lacerte

Criteria 7: WPI Analysis – Mental Health (AMA Guides 6th Edition) Update and Methodology Overview:
Dr. Jeremy Frank

Criteria 8: Mental/Behavioural Qualification: 2016 Updates to the Use of AMA4 Chapter 14 and Applicable Case Law: Dr. Sherese Ali


Impairment Rating Working Group: In-depth Case Studies Emphasizing Best Practices in the use of the AMA4/6, Current Combining methodologies and updated case law: Facilitators: Drs. Arthur Ameis; Harold Becker; Michel Lacerte & David Bertschi

TBI Working Group: Application of TBI Definitions and Radiological Findings in the Clinical Context, Interpretation of GOSE/KOSCHI Data Scores and Multidisciplinary Case Studies. Facilitators:
Drs. Sherese Ali; Ranya Ghattas;  Konstantine K. Zakzanis & David Bertschi 

Interdisciplinary Case Law Study Presentation: “Top 10 over 10 years”: David Bertschi, Lawyers

The Crystal Ball: Navigating the Road Ahead



Aims to provide advanced in-depth training on how to actually undertake mental/behavioural and neurocognitive behavioural related examinations as it pertains to revised SABS catastrophic criteria of 4, 5, 7 and 8. It is designed for clinicians including psychiatrists, clinical and rehabilitation psychologists, neuropsychologists and occupational therapists that are seeking comprehensive training in the assessment of these specific aspects of the catastrophic determination purposes.


History of Mental/Behavioural and CAT Definition, Seminal Case Law, Government Decisions: How We Got Here:  Dr. Ron Kaplan

Four Domains Revisited: In-depth Training and Review of the Assessment of the four domains outlined in AMA Guides 4th  Edition Chapter 14 (Criterion 8), implications of the revised definition, systematic approaches to assessment, integration of situational assessment data, case law review and detailed case examples: Dr. Jeremy Frank | Erin Sesel

Moving to AMA6: In Depth Training in Assessment Methodologies Outlined in AMA Guides 6th Edition Chapter 14 Required for Criterion 7: BPRS, PIRS, GAF, Strategies for Assessment, Detailed Case Examples and Expected Controversies Going Forward:  Dr. William Gnam

GOS-E: Comprehensive Training on the use of GOS-E Required for the Assessment of Criterion 4, Assessment and Scoring/ Rating Strategies and Case examples: Dr. Duncan Day | Erin Sesel

KOSCHI: Comprehensive Training on the use of the KOSCHI Required for the Assessment of Criterion 5, Assessment and  Rating Strategies and Case examples: Dr. Carol Hawley

Truth Through Discourse I:  Using Real-world Multidisciplinary Clinical Cases, Experienced Guides will work in Two Parallel Small Group Sessions to Integrate Available Information and to Assign Ratings, including calculation of the PIRS and BPRS for Criterion 7 and ratings in the four domains for Criterion 8: Dr. Jeremy Frank | Dr. William Gnam

Case Discussion I: The two groups will reconvene to discuss and debate the findings and determinations.

Truth Through Discourse II : Using an real-world cases, the two groups will work through the available information and to assign CAT Ratings.

  •  Session II-A: The focus in this session will be on adult brain injury and GOS-E ratings but with other mental-behavioral considerations as well: Dr. David Kurzman | Dr. Konstantine K. Zakzanis
  •  Session II-B:  In this session participants with an interest in pediatric assessment will review multiple sources of assessment data  on a pediatric brain injury case. Using an interactive approach, a world renown KOSCHI expert will help the group to integrate available information and to assign ratings:
    Dr. Carol Hawley

Case Discussion II-A: The two groups above will reconvene to discuss and debate the findings and Determinations: Dr. Carol Hawley


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